Google has introduced its latest quantum chip, Willow, which it claims can solve a problem in just five minutes—something the world’s fastest supercomputers would take an unimaginable ten septillion years (that’s 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years) to achieve.
Quantum computing harnesses the principles of particle physics to process information in ways that traditional computers cannot, offering ground-breaking potential in computing power. Google highlights Willow as a major step forward, describing it as a key breakthrough that brings us closer to creating a practical, large-scale quantum computer.
That said, experts caution that Willow remains in its experimental phase. A fully functional quantum computer capable of solving real-world problems is still years—and significant investments—away.
While we’re not there yet, Google’s Willow chip marks an exciting milestone in the race to unlock quantum computing’s full potential.
Source: BBC Image from Google